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Ordering Details

Cat Number:HY-P73713-50ug


PRDX1, Mouse (His)

Partner: MedChemexpress LLC

MW:Approximately 27 kDa
Formula:18477(Gene_ID)P35700 (M1-K199)(Accession)
Description:PRDX1 Protein, a thiol-specific peroxidase, catalyzes the reduction of hydrogen peroxide and organic hydroperoxides to water and alcohols. Its pivotal role in cell protection against oxidative stress involves detoxifying peroxides and acting as a sensor for hydrogen peroxide-mediated signaling events. Additionally, PRDX1 may contribute to signaling cascades initiated by growth factors and tumor necrosis factor-alpha, exerting control over intracellular H(2)O(2) concentrations. Notably, PRDX1 modulates GDPD5's capacity to drive postmitotic motor neuron differentiation by reducing an intramolecular disulfide bond. These diverse functions underscore the versatile and intricate regulatory roles of PRDX1 in cellular processes associated with redox signaling and differentiation. PRDX1 Protein, Mouse (His) is the recombinant mouse-derived PRDX1 protein, expressed by E. coli, with C-His labeled tag. The total length of PRDX1 Protein, Mouse (His) is 199 a.a., with molecular weight of ~27 kDa.
Shipping Conditions:Ship on dry ice
Usage:Research Use Only


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