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Ordering Details

Cat Number:HNRT301
Size:5 Panels

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Data Sheet


TissueScan, Head and Neck Cancer cDNA Array I

Partner: OriGene Technologies

Description:<i style=color:red><b>New!</b></i> 48 samples covering 9-normal, 2-I, 10-II, 1-III, 16-IV, 3-Tonsil Hyperplasia, 7-N/R. Includes squamous cell carcinoma, epiglottis, larynx, neck, nose, pharynx, salivary gland, tonsil, tongue & trachea. Available in 2, 5, 10 identical plates.
Shipping Conditions:Ship at ambient
Usage:Research Use Only


Insight Biotechnology Ltd reserves the right to change pricing without notice


TissueScan product image.

TissueScan product image.