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Catalogue No Partner Description Species Application
40060-T Biotium RedDot1 far-red nuclear stain, 200X in H2O
40060 Biotium RedDot1 far-red nuclear stain, 200X in H2O
40060-1 Biotium RedDot1 far-red nuclear stain, 200X in H2O
40061-T Biotium RedDot2 far-red nuclear stain, 200X in DMSO
40061 Biotium RedDot2 far-red nuclear stain, 200X in DMSO
40061-1 Biotium RedDot2 far-red nuclear stain, 200X in DMSO
70044 Biotium Synapto Green C2
70045 Biotium Synapto Green C2 (Special Packaging) (5 x 1mg)
70021 Biotium Synapto Red C2
70027 Biotium Synapto Red C2 (Special Packaging) (5 x 1mg)
70020 Biotium SynaptoGreen C4 (Equivalent to FM1-43)
70022 Biotium SynaptoGreen C4 (Equivalent to FM1-43) [5 x 1mg]
23012-T Biotium TrueBlack IF Background Suppressor System (Permeabilizing), 20 assays
23012 Biotium TrueBlack IF Background Suppressor System (Permeabilizing), 200 assays
30027 Biotium Viability/Cytotoxicity Assay Kit FOR BAC, 100 - 1000 assays
30002-T Biotium Viability/Cytotoxity Assay Kit for Live & Dead Animal Cells, 150 assays
30002 Biotium Viability/Cytotoxity Assay Kit for Live & Dead Animal Cells, 300 assays
70062 Biotium ViaFluor 488 Live Cell Microtubule Stain
70062-T Biotium ViaFluor 488 Live Cell Microtubule Stain, Trial Size
29068 Biotium ViaVac Red/Green
31064 Biotium Yeast Live-or-Dye Fixable Live/Dead Staining Kit (TO and Live-or-Dye 568/583), 1,000 assays
31063-3 Biotium Yeast Viability Staining Kit (Far-Red/Red), 1,000 assays
31063-1 Biotium Yeast Viability Staining Kit (Green/Red), 1,000 assays
31063-2 Biotium Yeast Viability Staining Kit (Red/Blue), 1,000 assays
31062 Biotium Yeast Vitality Staining Kit (Calcofluor White and ViaVac Red/Green), 1,000 assays