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Ordering Details

Cat Number:H1K240


HSV-1 RT PCR Kit [100 reactions]

Partner: Virusys Corporation

Description:Virusys Corporation�s HSV-1 qPCR 20x probe mix is a reliable probe for measuring relative amounts or total copy numbers of HSV-1 by quantitative PCR. The probe consists of forward and reverse primers combined with a FAM/BHQ-labeled probe specific for the glycoprotein D (gD) gene of HSV-1. This dual-labeled probe is supplied with PCR primers at 20x concentration and may be used with standard real-time PCR reagents. For absolute copy number calculations, a tube of standards is also included containing the target sequence at 10^12 copies per ml. These standards produce linear results at dilutions of 10^8 to 10^2 copies per reaction.
Shipping Conditions:Ship at ambient
Usage:Research use only


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