Storage: | - The purified antibody (UNLB) is supplied as 0.1 mg purified immunoglobulin in 0.2 mL of 100 mMborate buffered saline, pH 8.2. No preservatives or amine- containing buffer salts added. Store at 2- 8 C<br/>- The fluorescein (FITC) conjugate is supplied as 100 tests in 1.0 mL of PBS/NaN3. Store at 2- 8 C<br/>- The biotin (BIOT) conjugate is supplied as 0.1 mg in 0.2 mL of PBS/NaN3. Store at 2- 8 C<br/>- The R- phycoerythrin (R- PE) and allophycocyanin (APC) conjugates are supplied as 100 tests in 1.0mL of PBS/NaN3 and a stabilizing agent. Store at 2- 8 C. Do not freeze!<br/> - The low endotoxin, azide- free (LE/AF) antibody is supplied as 0.1 mg purified immunoglobulin in 0.2 mLof PBS. Aliquot and store at or below - 20 C<br/>- With the exception of the low endotoxin, azide- free product, the vials should be stored at 2- 8 C. Aliquotand freeze the low endotoxin, azide- free product at - 20 C immediately upon receipt. Each reagent isstable for the period shown on the bottle label if stored as directed. |